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About Us

Christ the Life is a warm, and caring congregation striving to live in Biblical truths and in the abundant life of Christ. In a world filled with stresses all around us, we meet together every Sunday to worship Christ together, to give Him our cares, and to enjoy the rest, peace, and joy that our Lord gives.

What We Believe


We believe the Holy Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired and the “no mistake about it” word of God. The Holy Spirit gave God’s word to more than 40 writers over a period of almost 2,000 years. The Holy Bible contains God’s word in sixty-six “books.” On the basis of God’s word . . .


“(We) believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.


“And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.


“(We) believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the Resurrection of the Body, and the life everlasting.”

From God’s own word, we believe that “in all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us,” and we know the Lord “is with us always to the end of time.” [Romans 8:37; Matthew 28:20]

Our Church Council members are:


  • Josef Vincent, President

  • Steven Corbiere, Vice President

  • Catherine Gortner, Treasurer

  • Robert Riddle, Financial Secretary

  • David Marzolf, Deacon

  • Eddy Cheng, Deacon

  • John Mardon, Property Manager

Mission Statement of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod


“In grateful response to God’s grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacraments, the mission of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is vigorously to make known the love of Christ by word and deed within our churches, communities and the world.”

lutheran church

Please join us at Christ the Life Lutheran in San Jose, CA every Sunday at 10 AM for Worship. Contact us if you have any questions!

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